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We discussed VCB technical issues with engineers from EATZ at the Canton Fair

We discussed VCB technical issues with engineers from EATZ at the Canton Fair

They are a certified domestic manufacturer of electrical products, providing modern integrated technological solutions in the energy sector. The plant is a manufacturer of a wide range of products of the following types: complete substations of various designs (KTP, KTPN, KTPG, BKTP, 2KTPG, 2BKPT) in metal, sandwich panels and concrete enclosures; input distribution units VRU, high voltage Room KSO, low-voltage complete equipment NKU, distribution cabinet ShchO-70 and other distribution board products. ​

The entire product line is assembled using high-quality components from leading Russian, Korean and European manufacturers such as Siemens, Schneider Electric, OEZ, IEK, TDM, Hyundai and LG.

Thanks to the highly qualified and certified experts involved in the production process, the factory guarantees the high quality and long service life of the equipment produced.

Astana Electrician Factory LLP is one of the leading manufacturers of electrical equipment in Kazakhstan. The company is one of the most dynamic in the industry in terms of production growth and modernization pace. Astana Electrotechnical Plant LLP has been operating on the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan since November 2009 and is included in the domestic register of producers, works and services. The company produces electrical products required by the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan: complete substations with voltages of 35-110-220 kV; complete substations 10(20)/0.4 kV. - KTP, KTPN, KTPG, 2KTPG, BKTP, 2BKTP, power 25-2500 kVA, various types of metal enclosures, concrete blocks, sandwich panels, chambers KSO-2-10, KSO-292, KSO-2-20, Units KRN-3, KRN-4, YAKNO on vacuum circuit breakers Siemens, ABB, LS. KSO-366, KSO-3M on load switches. In 2016, the withdrawable handcart K-104A and KM-1A vacuum circuit breaker switch cabinets were developed and put into mass production. Distribution cabinet 0.4 kV - ShNN, ShchO-70, VRU, ShRS, PR, ShR, ShZT (transformer protection cabinet), SHUOT (operating current control cabinet), ShSN. All products come with ST-KZ certificate. The factory team continuously strives to expand the product range and improve product quality. All electrical products manufactured must be tested, tested and adjusted. The design, development and production of electrical products must take into account the requirements of current national standards (GOST, ST RK), technical regulations (TR RK) and product technical conditions (TU). The plant's equipment is used in all areas of the energy industry: substations supplying oil fields, coal mines, railway traction substations, refineries and thousands of urban substations. AETZ LLP products are created taking into account the needs of the operating organization, industry specifics, climatic and technical operating conditions. The strategic goal of Astana Electrical Plant LLC is to create domestic competitive power equipment, build new substations and improve the reliability of the power system, strengthening the energy security of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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